The forum is successfully held consecutively in various cities in Asia as hosted by respective member associations:

1st Asia Forum (2004) – Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City)
2nd Asia Forum (2005) – Thailand (Bangkok)
3rd Asia Forum (2006) – Singapore
4th Asia Forum (2007) – Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City)
5th Asia Forum (2008) – China (Guangzhou)
6th Asia Forum (2009) – Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City)
7th Asia Forum (2010) – Singapore
8th Asia Forum (2011) – Thailand (Bangkok)

On 8-9 July 2011, Thai-Hong Kong Trade Association (THTA) played host to the 8th Asia Forum as facilitated by the Federation of Hong Kong Business Association and Hong Kong trade Development Council. 


A record of 301 participants attending the Asia Forum, including a record of 60 representatives from the Hong Kong Business Associations in Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore and Japan: -

- Thai Hong Kong Trade Association – THTA (30)
- Hong Kong Business Association, Vietnam – HKBAV (11)
- Hong Kong Singapore Business Association - HSBA (18)
- The Japan Hong Kong Society – JHKS (1)

Some 241 local attendees also participated in the luncheon seminar on China and ASEAN Economic Outlook and the RMB Opportunities & Banking Services

Thanks to the support of Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office Singapore as co-organizer of the luncheon seminar of the Forum; and of Hong Kong Business Association Vietnam, Hong Kong Singapore Business Association, and Thai Hong Kong Trade Association who help made this event happen.

Special thanks also to Mr. Shigeki Honda (from Japan HK Society National Chapter) who flew all the way from Tokyo, Japan to support the event.

Programme Highlights

Luncheon Seminar(8 July 2011)

- 301 attendees

Dr Tan Khee Giap, Associate Professor & Co-Director, Asia Competitiveness Institute, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore; and Chair, Singapore National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation; and Mr Jackie Mau, Head of Commercial Banking, Corporate Sales, Global Markets, HSBC gave their inspiring views on the economic outlook of China and ASEAN as well as the RMB Opportunities & Banking Services respectively.

The dear subjects provoked actively questions from the floor during the Question-and-Answer Session chaired by Andrew Wong, President of Thai Hong Kong Trade Association.

The overwhelming attendance of over 300 participants comprises contacts from different walks of life from high level govt. officials, to those in the businesses and industries.

Experience Sharing Session (8 July 2011)
- 28 attendees

The session was well attended by 28 attendees comprising representatives from the four HKBAs (Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam and Japan) and kicked off by self-introduction of attending members.

Each HKBA shared experience of running their organization in the past year with the aid of powerpoint presentation or off-the-cuff introduction.  The session was very interactive and even business interest was provoked among members after the “merry-go-round” self-introduction session.

THTA organized more social functions to promote networking among members and business talks on subjects dear to businessmen. HKBAV maintained sizeable membership and organized steady stream of activities of various nature: business, networking, and charity to create value for members; while HSBA performed excellently in membership drive and organized annual overseas tour for members and family e.g. last year to Shanghai Expo and this year to Kumming – Lijiang – Dali – Jiujiagou - Chengdu.  HSBA just launched Young Entrepreneur Group to expand membership to young executives and businessmen.

HKBAV volunteered to host the next Asia Forum again in Hanoi.


Networking Dinner (8 July 2011)
- 36 attendees

The dinner was well attended by equal no. of representatives from the three HKBAs in SE Asia as well as representative from the Japan Hong Kong Society.  Members found it a good networking platform to strengthen relationship.

Golf Outing (9 July 2011)

THTA hosted a golf outing for attending members to further enhance networking and relationship building.

Result & Recommendation

After being held for 8 consecutive years, Asia Forum is growing in scale and scope and now recognized by members in general as a valuable platform to network, share experience, get local and regional market intelligence, build new contacts, as well as strengthen relationship among fellow associations and individual members in the region.

The platform also allows the host HKBA to reach out to the local business community so as to enhance its status and attract new members.  Through this forum, THTA is able to attract at least 6 new members.  It also helps raise the profile of the Federation of HKBAs Worldwide and its annual signature event HK Forum.

All in all, Asia Forum is a worthwhile initiative now becoming dear to the HKBAs in the region.

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